Updates for CMS Tree Page View brings multi post adding and integration with regular post overview screen

The last updates for my pretty popular page management plugin has brought some pretty cool and useful functions that I thought were worth noticing:

Add multiple pages at once

This is a feature I really like and use a lot myself, especially when setting up the page structure for a new site. It’s easy to add several pages at once: just mouse over a page where you want to add new post after or inside and then click any of the links ”after” or ”inside” and just start typing – new fields for additional pages are added automatically.


Integration with regular post overview screen

This is a perhaps a small change, but a pretty important one anyway: CMS Tree Page View now let you add an additional icon to the overview page for any post type and clicking that icon takes you to the tree view for that post type. I personally like this feature because it makes CMS Tree Page View so very discrete: all you need to see of this plugin is a tiny icon – no menu items or something like that that may grab attention. But very accessible when you do need it.


That’s it! Two new cool features that I like. Lots of other things have been changed and fixed too lately. Please check out the change log for more information about other recent changes. And as usual, if you happen to like the plugin I don’t say no to a donation, and if you need help then visit the support forum.






Ett svar till ”Updates for CMS Tree Page View brings multi post adding and integration with regular post overview screen”

  1. Profilbild för Grsmto

    Awesome new feature! This plugin should definitely built in!