Simple Fields: 6 new field types for you to play with

Yep, after like half a year without any updates my super fantastic fields plugin for WordPress is back with some new cool stuff for you to play with.

Some of the highlights are:

  • 6 new field types. Yes. Six! More details about those below.
  •  It’s now possible to hide the built in editor in WordPress. Great for custom post types that may consist of only fields from Simple Fields
  • The file field now has an edit link. Yes. finally. super easy to edit an attachment.
  • TinyMCE/the HTML editor now remembers stuff line breaks. Oh, that was annoying in the run when it didn’t, wasn’t it.
  • A field group, or just a field, can have a description. Much wanted feature from you users out there.

For a more complete list of what’s changed please see the full changelog.

Partly sponsored by web agency Plucera

The development of some of these new fields have been made possible thanks to support from the Swedish web agency Plucera. Thanks a lot guys!

New field types

Fields is what this plugin is about, so that’s why I’ve added six more of them. So let’s take a look at the new field types then:

screenshot showing examples of the new field types in simple fields

”Post” field type

Let you select a post, from posts, pages or any custom post type.


Let you choose a taxonomy (not terms) from all registered taxonomies.

Taxonomy term

Choose a term from a taxonomy.


Use a color picker to select any color.


Use a date picker to select any date.


Select any user in the system.


Finally: please remember that I’ve spent like a zillion hours developing this plugin, so if you like it, please donate or at least write a nice blog post or tweet about it. Okidoki?





Ett svar till ”Simple Fields: 6 new field types for you to play with”

  1. […] till.Nya fälttyperVilka specifika förändringar det handlar om kan ni läsa om antingen på Pärs blogg eller i changeloggen för pluggen, men det rör nya fälttyper.Bra för oss, bra för andraDet […]