Oh yeah. Thanks to the great people at angrycreative.se Simple Field is slowly starting to work again. Check out the latest version available over at github: https://github.com/bonny/WordPress-Simple-Fields.
It’s rumored that this version works on WP3.3! 🙂
2 svar till ”Simple Fields and WordPress 3.3.1: they… kinda mix!”
No, it still does not work.
The problem is – ”+Add Field” button does not work when adding fields in the Field Group.
it doesn’t work for me right now. I downloaded the simple fields plugin from githup
(bonny-WordPress-Simple-Fields-71a9ce4.zip) and installed the plugin from that file by the ”Install a plugin in .zip format” option.
WPs feedback: installed successfully.
I’m working on a brand new NETWORK installation (3.3.1) and network activated the plug-in.
The Plug-In is visible on the sites, but if I try to create a new ”field group” I cannot ”+Add” and fields. I hit the link and nothing happens.
Any idea what the reason could be?
– Karl