Etikett: plugin
Simple Fields: 6 new field types for you to play with
Yep, after like half a year without any updates my super fantastic fields plugin for WordPress is back with some new cool stuff for you to play with. Some of the highlights are: 6 new field types. Yes. Six! More details about those below. It’s now possible to hide the built in editor in WordPress.…
CMS Tree Page View: nag-free update to celebrate more than 100,000 downloads
Yes, it’s true: I’ve had more than 100,00 downloads of my WordPress plugin CMS Tree Page View. That a pretty cool number I think. The plugin has also recieved 123 ratings with an average of 4.53 stars out of 5 possible. That’s also pretty cool! So, as a thank you to all you users of…
CMS Tree Page View recommended at WordCamp Australia
Troy Dean of Video User Manuals did a presentation at WordCamp Australia called ”Better WordPress For Clients”. About 16 minutes in the talk he recommends my WordPress plugin CMS Tree Page View for managing pages in sites with more than 10 pages. Thanks for telling Australia, Troy! 🙂
View your pages directly in the admin area menu with this new WordPress plugin
Can’t believe I haven’t told you about my new plugin yet! It’s so good that I can’t use a WordPress installation without it. That’s pretty good for a plugin that’s still in version 0.1! 🙂 Ok, it’s called Admin Menu Treee Page View and it will display all your pages direcly in the WordPress admin…
Simple History is a new history plugin for WordPress
Yes (but no ”Oops!”), I did it again: I created a new plugin for WordPress. I’m really starting to get the hang of this now :). This time it’s a history/change log/audit/recent changes-plugin called ”Simple History”. Just take a look at this screenshot and you will get the hang of it: It fits perfectly on…
Tutorial and glossary added for Simple Fields
I’ve added a short tutorial and a short glossary for you Simple Fields users out there. I will also try add a screencast soon.
Simple Fields is WordPress Custom Fields on Steroids
I’ve created a new plugin for WordPress that now is ready for beta-testing. It’s called Simple Fields (and it requires WP 3), and it’s gonna rule your world (at least it rules my world – your opinion may vary). The purpose of Simple Fields is to make it easy to display different kind of fields…
New! Updated! Min plugin till Coda är nu uppdaterad (med hjälp)
I veckan fick jag ett mail från en användare av min SaveAndBackup-plugin till Coda. Han skrev att han ”found your plugin VERY useful, so I extended it”. Yes! Han gillade pluginen. Och han lade till funktioner till den. Super! Sånt gillar vi (jag…). Så, vad lade han till? Jo två bra grejjer: 1) varje backup…
Coda-pluginen nu länkad från tillverkaren
Jag såg just att trafiken under dagen ökat till sidan där min SaveAndBackup-plugin till Coda ligger. En snabb koll visar att tillverkaren av Coda, Panic, nu länkar till min plugin från deras third-party plugins-sida. Kul! Har även fått privata mail och positiva svar på mitt inlägg i Coda-gruppen hos Google Groups. Även det kul!