Recently I released my first WordPress plugin ”CMS Tree Page View” to help manage WordPress installations with many pages, mostly seen on ”CMS-like” installations/websites.
So far CMS Tree Page View have had nearly 6.000 downloads, and my introductory screencast have had almost 2.500 views on YouTube. I have also recieved an overwhelming amount of positive feedback from users. Just look at these wonderful quotes that I have revieved in blog comments or through Twitter:
”Wonderful plugin that makes handling pages in WP much much easier.”
”Oh my Goodness, I needed this plug in so bad. Thank you, thank you, thank you”
”I love this plugin”
”What a great plugin! Works like charm …”
”Awesome plugin.”
”Awesome! Thank you, CMS Tree Page View is a huge help in organizing ”
”Extremely useful for large sites.”
Personaly I must say that I no longer can use WordPress without CMS Tree Page View. I simply depend on it! It’s just that good, that simple, and that effective. A cornerstone in any WordPress CMS installation for me in the future.
Shortly thereafter – but after a lot of work – I released my second plugin ”Simple Fields” to further extend the CMS capabilities of WordPress. Simple Fields gives WordPress the ability to add almost any kind of content to a single post. Just as with CMS Tree Page View, I can no longer use WordPress without this plugin. Yes, it’s just that good too! 🙂
So far Simple Fields have had nearly 600 downloads and I have received pretty much positive feedback. Not as much as with CMS Tree Page View, but I think that’s OK: Simple Fields is a far more complex plugin, targeted at advanced users, and it requires WordPress 3. So when WordPress 3 is released I expect the number of users and downloads to raise.
Anyway, with this blog post I just want to say ”thank you” to all you users out there who download my plugins and give me me positive feedback. You make me wanna keep on doing this! 🙂
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You can count me in. Your plugins are awesome! I’m currently using WordPress-plugin Simple Navigation and just installed CMS Tree Page View.
Keep up the good work!
A user from Malaysia!