Etikett: simple history
Simple History “Quick diff” – a super efficient way to see post changes in WordPress
Update april 28, 2015: This feature is now available since version 2.0.29 of the plugin. Download here. As the developer of the Simple History plugin for WordPress, I do use it a lot myself too. And one of the most common messages I see on my sites are this one: While it’s great to see what’s going on inside a…
Simple History: 50,000 downloads + preview of v2
This week my WordPress plugin Simple History passed 50,000 downloads.It feels great to see that there is an interest in this type of plugin.Also, by looking at the reviews, I know that the users of it find it very useful. Actually, one of the most happy users of the plugin is… me! Yep, I develop…
Plugin Simple History is starting to look good – check it out if you haven’t already
Simple History is one of my own favorite plugins for WordPress. It’s a plugin that let you see what the users of WordPress has been working on: what posts have they been working on, what attachments has been uploaded, what users have been created and what plugins have been installed, etcetera. Lately I’ve spent a lot…
Simple History is a new history plugin for WordPress
Yes (but no ”Oops!”), I did it again: I created a new plugin for WordPress. I’m really starting to get the hang of this now :). This time it’s a history/change log/audit/recent changes-plugin called ”Simple History”. Just take a look at this screenshot and you will get the hang of it: It fits perfectly on…