Etikett: wordpress

  • memcachy: a WordPress object cache for people who don’t know if they use memcache or memcached

    If you want to speed up your WordPress site you should use object caching. A popular solution is to install a Memcached server and an object cache class that talks to that server. A big problem is however that there are two PHP extensions that are used to talk to the memcached server. And they are named…

  • Simple History “Quick diff” – a super efficient way to see post changes in WordPress

    Update april 28, 2015: This feature is now available since version 2.0.29 of the plugin. Download here. As the developer of the Simple History plugin for WordPress, I do use it a lot myself too. And one of the most common messages I see on my sites are this one: While it’s great to see what’s going on inside a…

  • Simple History: 50,000 downloads + preview of v2

    This week my WordPress plugin Simple History passed 50,000 downloads.It feels great to see that there is an interest in this type of plugin.Also, by looking at the reviews, I know that the users of it find it very useful. Actually, one of the most happy users of the plugin is… me! Yep, I develop…

  • Detect installed plugins on any WordPress site

    I’ve made a small tool that let’s you find out what plugins that are in use on (almost) any WordPress powered website. Take a look at the tool and then check out the background story for this tool at the labs blog for my company.

  • New thingie: JavaScript widget to show WordPress Plugin info

    Recently I stumbled upon a very nice GitHub jQuery widget. I liked the GitHub widget so much that I decided to create my own widget, to show WordPress Plugin info. It’s called jQuery WordPress Plugin Widget and it looks like this: You can view a demo of it and you can download and view the source…

  • New plugin: WP JavaScript Error Logger

    I just came home after visiting Front-Trends 2013 in Warsaw, Poland. A very nice conference, featuring nice weather, nice people, nice speakers, nice food, and finally pretty bad coffe. So… all in all: a very nice conference indeed. The opening talk of the conference was a presentation called ”Know your errors” by Diogo Antunes, in which he spoke…

  • Simple History now hosted at GitHub

    Many of the users of Simple History have asked for ways to contribute to the plugin. Now it’s easier than ever, since I moved the development to GitHub. Please submit bug reports and pull requests and stuff and help me make this the best syslog plugin for WordPress.  

  • Give my WordPress Plugins some Review ♥

    A new and nice feature over at the WordPress plugin directory is that you starting from this week finally can give your favorite plugin a review. Since I have a lot of plugins I would reeeeealy like to have some review. So if you use my plugins (and well.. like them!) please head over tot…

  • WordPress snippet: Wrap teaser content with a div

    This is a nice little snippet of code I wrote today for my domain I wanted to be able to style to content before the ”More tag”, using it as a teaser on a page. This solution wraps all content before the more-tag with a div with the class .entry-content-teaser, making it super simple to…

  • Simple Fields now on its own domain:

    Just a quick post to let you know that my WordPress Custom Fields Plugin ”Simple Fields” now has it’s own domain: All content that previosly was here on + lot’s of new content has been moved to