Etikett: wordpress

  • CMS Tree Page View recommended at WordCamp Australia

    Troy Dean of Video User Manuals did a presentation at WordCamp Australia called ”Better WordPress For Clients”. About 16 minutes in the talk he recommends my WordPress plugin CMS Tree Page View for managing pages in sites with more than 10 pages. Thanks for telling Australia, Troy! 🙂

  • WordPress 3.1: more CMS than ever

    This week has been all about the new WordPress release: 3.1. It is a great release and some of the new features that I really like are the new add link popup that easy let’s you choose among your existing pages and the writing interface that now features a lot less panels than before (something…

  • External: Short and sweet post about how you can use Simple Fields

    AD and Designer Jimmy Rosén has written a short and sweet post about how you can use Simple Fields to fetch images on a per post basis. You can find the post here: Thanks Jimmy!

  • FourSquare Recent Checkins is my latest WordPress-plugin/widget

    I wanted to show the latest checkins that I’ve done on FourSquare here on my blog. And since none of the existing plugins for WordPress worked the way I wanted to I created a new plugin myself. It’s a quick hack but it seems to work pretty good. You can find the plugin here: FourSquare…

  • Så här byggde jag nya med WordPress

    Mitt företag MarsApril har just lanserat en ny sajt, helt byggd i WordPress. Något jag saknat i WordPress-sverige (och världen) är en inblick i hur andra bygger sina WP-sajter. Hur bygger dom upp sajten, vilka plugins använder dom, hur gör dom ditten, hur gör dom datten. Så med tanke på detta så tänkte här kort…

  • View your pages directly in the admin area menu with this new WordPress plugin

    Can’t believe I haven’t told you about my new plugin yet! It’s so good that I can’t use a WordPress installation without it. That’s pretty good for a plugin that’s still in version 0.1! 🙂 Ok, it’s called Admin Menu Treee Page View and it will display all your pages direcly in the WordPress admin…

  • WPML-compatible version of CMS Tree Page View now available for testing

    The last week I’ve been busy modifying my plugin CMS Tree Page View to make it work together with the WPML-plugin, a plugin that let you translate the contents of your site. As some of you know, my plugin show a tree (like in Windows Explorer or OS X Finder) with all the pages in…

  • wp_list_pages: customize the look of pages that have children

    Here’s a quick tip for WordPress and the use of wp_list_pages to create menus. On a web site you often have pages with sub-pages/children and often you want to style these pages a bit different. Perhaps add a plus-sign or an arrow in front of the page. When I was working with Nice Navigation for…

  • Simple History is a new history plugin for WordPress

    Yes (but no ”Oops!”), I did it again: I created a new plugin for WordPress. I’m really starting to get the hang of this now :). This time it’s a history/change log/audit/recent changes-plugin called ”Simple History”. Just take a look at this screenshot and you will get the hang of it: It fits perfectly on…

  • Good start for my CMS-enhancing plugins for WordPress

    Recently I released my first WordPress plugin ”CMS Tree Page View” to help manage WordPress installations with many pages, mostly seen on ”CMS-like” installations/websites. So far CMS Tree Page View have had nearly 6.000 downloads, and my introductory screencast have had almost 2.500 views on YouTube. I have also recieved an overwhelming amount of positive…